State of London Debate

State of London Debate 2019

“The State of London Debate began with a brief speech from Sadiq Khan, outlining his tenure to date, and discussing his plans for the future. The Mayor emphasised his aim to make London a fairer city, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties the capital has faced in recent years – namely the recent rise in knife crime, the terror attacks of 2017, and the challenges posed by austerity and Brexit. The Mayor stated his desire to do more to improve the environment, to further tackle discrimination, and to do all he can to prevent a no-deal Brexit.”

Last night, Age UK London attended the State of London Debate – a yearly opportunity for organisations and members of the public to put questions to the Mayor of London. Find out what the Mayor had to say about a number of topics and read our questions to him!

Sadiq Khan London Plan

Assessing the London Plan

This week, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, released the draft edition of the London Plan, a strategic document that shapes how London will evolve and develop over the coming years. Once finalised, the London Plan will set a policy framework for local plans right across London, as well as forming the basis for all future planning decisions. The plan represents the Mayor’s vision for London over the next 25 years, with particular attention being paid to an estimated population of increase of 1.8 million, taking the capital to an approximate value of 10.5 million.

The document itself is five-hundred pages, so we won’t be able to discuss everything that is mentioned, but we’ve picked out some highlights for you!

Age UK London’s Mayoral Election Priorities

We’re really glad to have had contributions from four leading London Mayoral candidates to our blog, and if you haven’t read them yet I ‘d suggest you do – they are all making thoughtful and constructive suggestions for how the next Mayor can support older Londoners.

At the same time as our 25 February Mayoral hustings we also launched our own Manifesto “Making London a Great Place to Grow Older” Based on consultation with older people, it gives our proposed priorities for the next Mayor.

Key asks include digital inclusion, making London’s housing age friendly and making transport in London accessible to all. We thought it was important to pick out and highlight a small number of areas where the Mayor can clearly make a difference, although we have also made recommendations in other areas because the Mayor has a wide-ranging role and an important voice in national debates.

Mayoral Candidate Blog – Sian Berry

Age UK London recently hosted a London Mayoral Hustings for Older People and have also released ‘Making London a Great Place to Grow Older‘ a manifesto for older Londoners.  We asked the four candidates who attended our Hustings if they would write a blog post for older Londoners. Here, we have the last of these pieces, from Sian Berry, Green Party councillor for Highgate, Camden Council. I’d like to tell you a tale of two cities. One of them is an excellent place to live as you get older. You’re never far away from the shops. You’re surrounded by people. The doctor’s […]

Mayoral Candidate Blog – Sadiq Khan

Age UK London recently hosted a London Mayoral Hustings for Older People and have also released ‘Making London a Great Place to Grow Older‘ a manifesto for older Londoners.  We asked the four candidates who attended our Hustings if they would write a blog post for older Londoners. Here, we have the third of these pieces, from Sadiq Khan, Labour MP for Tooting. Sadiq Khan: Listening to older people and making London a great place to grow older It was great to take part in the Age UK London Mayoral hustings recently. It was a really lively discussion, and one I thoroughly […]