Why we need Digitial Inclusion not a Digital Detox

Last week saw the phrase “digital detox” spread across the nation after an Ofcom survey found that 34% of internet users have decided to take time away from the web. A perceived over-reliance on technology has meant that 40% of adults feel they are regularly ignored by peers using smartphones and that 16% now purposefully choose to holiday in areas with no internet access. Now, as much as I’d love to use this blog to point out the irony of discovering these figures online, I feel it’s better to point your attention towards a far more important digital story from […]

Wealth of the Web: Broadening Horizons Online

Last week Age UK London launched our new report “Wealth of the Web” written by Ben Donovan, calling for more support to help older people get online and take advantage of the digital world: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/london/ The fact that, for example, 78% of people over 75 in London are not online at a time when more and more Government services (central and local) are becoming “digital by default” is making a lot of people sit up and take notice, and it feels as if this is an issue whose time has come. Our launch event was attended by representatives from eg. […]

The Wonders of Internet Shopping

I have been thinking recently that I would find it hard to imagine a world where the internet didn’t exist. At the very least, how would I book my holidays and theatre tickets and take advantage of those special deals on a well-known book site? So it’s really interesting to be evaluating Age UK London’s digital inclusion project, ‘MiCommunity’, because many of the older people in London who have signed up for the project have never even turned on a computer. Share this post: Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Tell a friend

The Patience of a Volunteer?

I taught my mum to use the computer. And it took the patient of a saint. I love my mum, but I got very close to breaking off all contact and going out to adoption. To be fair, she got close to disowning me. At the time I suggested that just as you should never get your husband/wife to teach you to drive, your children shouldn’t teach you to use a computer.

So what’s the solution?