Age UK London have been campaigning to protect older Londoners’ travel concessions, which include the Freedom Pass and 60+ Oyster card, for the past two years. On 15th December plans emerged that could mean the 60+ Oyster Card is slowly phased out over a period of several years. Before the eventual ‘full’ cut (which won’t happen until next decade) the eligibility criteria based on age would slowly increase. The full details are not yet known and the decision will be subject to a consultation. Although current users of the 60+ Oyster Card would not be affected (nor will Freedom Pass […]
Category: Transport
A transport network that works for all ages is a vital feature of an Age Friendly City
Six reasons why we welcome commitments to protect the 60+ Oyster Card
Age UK London have been campaigning to protect older Londoners’ travel concessions, which include the Freedom Pass and 60+ Oyster card. New limits on when these concessions could be used and the threat of cuts meant there was a very real danger that these lifelines for so many people might disappear en
State of London Debate 2019
“The State of London Debate began with a brief speech from Sadiq Khan, outlining his tenure to date, and discussing his plans for the future. The Mayor emphasised his aim to make London a fairer city, whilst also acknowledging the difficulties the capital has faced in recent years – namely the recent rise in knife crime, the terror attacks of 2017, and the challenges posed by austerity and Brexit. The Mayor stated his desire to do more to improve the environment, to further tackle discrimination, and to do all he can to prevent a no-deal Brexit.”
Last night, Age UK London attended the State of London Debate – a yearly opportunity for organisations and members of the public to put questions to the Mayor of London. Find out what the Mayor had to say about a number of topics and read our questions to him!
Making London an Age-friendly City
“Knowing where to start is a daunting prospect but thanks to last June’s announcement that the Mayor had signed London up to the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Community we have a strong platform to build on. Age UK London first called for London to sign up as an Age-friendly City ahead of the 2016 Mayoral Elections and whilst we now have a commitment from the Mayor it will be actions on the ground that decide whether we earn the right to call London an Age-friendly City.”
We’ve launched a brand new campaign to make London an Age-friendly City! Our new Campaigns Officer John McGeachy explains how we can achieve this.